Our Pharmacy in Beverly Hills knows that many people suffer from constant headaches and migraines. Although many people just suffer through them or take over the counter medication, there are other ways to relieve yourself from the pain!

Did you know that ancient Tibetans applied pressure to certain spots of their bodies in order to relieve their headaches? This method, called acupressure, has been proven to be incredibly effective. Here are our tricks to help you.

1. Massage Between the Eyebrows

Try applying steady pressure the area between your eyebrows and above the bridge of your nose. Apply this pressure for several minutes repeatedly until you feel as though your pain is starting to relent. Touching this pressure point can aid in relief from pain caused by indigestion and eyestrain.

2. Massage Your Temples

Your temples, or the sides of your forehead, are other pressure points that can be touched with acupressure. Use your thumbs or the tips of your index finger to apply steady pressure to your temples; try moving your fingers in small circular motions until the pain subsides.

3. Massage the Back of Your NeckPharmacy in Beverly Hills

Try pressing the back of your neck with the very tip of your index finger; this can help your migraine or a headache go away almost instantly. This works so quickly because the muscles in this area tighten when experiencing stress, this causes your head to ache. Therefore, directly targeting this spot is extremely effective.

4. Massage Between Your Big and Second Toes

This may seem like a weird pressure point to focus on, but there are many parts of the body that are interconnected despite not being next to each other. This spot in your foot can help you alleviate your headache or a migraine just as quickly as focusing on a spot on your head.

About Pharmacy of Beverly Hills

Pharmacy of Beverly Hills is dedicated to providing their patients with accurate medical information.  Stay in touch by following us on Facebook and Twitter. Do want to learn more ways to relieve headaches or migraines? Our pharmacy in Beverly Hills recommends this article here.