Our compounding pharmacy by Santa Monica has noticed adults tend to take less care of themselves in their daily lives. 

Our compounding pharmacy near Santa Monica suggests these tips in order to maintain a healthy and stress-free Spring. ABC Pharmacy of Beverly Hills has listed essentials to Spring clean your daily routine!

Love Yourself

Consider putting the oxygen mask on yourself first. We often tend to put others needs ahead of ours. This spring, break out from the habit and get some fresh air. Go for a spa, a movie, on the beach or just a day alone cooking. Catch up with old friends and start taking care of yourself. This will increase your performance level and your overall well being.

Ditch the Office Cabins

Conference room meetings are boring. Period. Schedule a ‘walking’ meeting with your colleague and walk around the block. This will make the conversation more interactive and increase the bonding with your co-workers. We spend a lot of time behind the computer and this is a good time to decompress and get rid of any unneeded stress.

Trick Your Brain

Have you heard fitness addicts say, “I don’t like how I feel when I don’t work out”? That is because, once we set our fitness regime and enjoy the workout, we get into the exercise habit and eventually reach our body goals. It is important to enjoy what you do. This makes it so your body will want to do it again. Getting in shape will not only make you look fabulous but also feel healthy from within.

Unplug the Charger

Remember who you are without your phone. How does it feel to not take a picture of the food before eating? Talking face-to-face with friends? And how does it feel to not use GPS and figure out the route? Take the break and make your life simpler, at least once a while. It gives us more time for ourselves and be present in real life experiences.

Gardening Is Also Therapy

Spring is the perfect season for plants to bloom. If you even have a small patio or a garden near your house, you can plant a seed and grow a small plant for yourself. You can also grow your own vegetables. Veggies like tomato, basil, greens, carrot, radish or zucchinis are easier to grow and will help you eat healthy too!

compounding pharmacy santa monia
compounding pharmacy santa monica

Improve Your Sleep Routine

Studies have found that healthy adults require 7-9 hours of sleep to be able to function at their best. It will result in increased efficiency and productivity the day ahead of you.

About ABC Pharmacy of Beverly Hills, a compounding pharmacy near Santa Monica:

We are a compounding pharmacy by Santa Monica specifically committed to helping patients dealing with medical issues by providing quality service. We are located at 9033 Wilshire Boulevard, California 90211,  Monday-Friday. For more information, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.