Did you know that over half of Americans will have cataracts by the age of 80? Cataracts affect about 24 million Americans older than the age of 40. Our compounding pharmacy near Santa Monica wants you to see eye-to-eye with us on the importance of cataract awareness.

A cataract clouds your eye’s lens. Just like a cloud in the sky, cataracts block light from properly entering your eye. It may dim your vision or make it blurry. Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in the world. Here are some answers to frequent questions you may have.

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How can I prevent cataracts?

There’s no evidence suggesting a direct cause for cataracts besides age, which is unfortunately unpreventable. There are some preventable measures we believe can help postpone the progression of cataracts.

  1. Avoid smoking (it may cause cancer too, not just cataracts)
  2. Reduce excessive exposure to UV rays (sunblock! just in time for summer)
  3. Eat healthier foods (fruits and vegetables)
  4. Wear proper eye protection (sunglasses and goggles)

What are some symptoms of cataracts that I should be aware of?

  • Double vision, blurred vision, or ghost images
  • Hard to read in low light and “blinded” by strong light
  • Continually changing prescription lenses but never improving your vision
  • Seeing a milky or yellowish spot in your pupilcompounding pharmacy santa monica

Who is more prone to developing cataracts?

Anyone can develop cataracts; however, our compounding pharmacy near Santa Monica has found that people over 40 years of age are more prone to developing cataracts. Cataracts can develop earlier through disease, hereditary, smoking, and eye injury. Anyone who has inflammation in the eye or long-term steroid use may have a greater risk of developing cataracts.

Are cataracts treatable and if so, what is the treatment for them?

Cataracts can be treated by performing cataract surgery. Cataract surgery is performed by a surgeon who removes the cataract, clouded lens, from your eye and replaces it with an artificial lens (intraocular lens). Here are some facts about cataract surgery to put your mind at ease.

  • Cataract surgery is one of the most effective and safest surgeries
  • About 95% of cataract surgery is successful
  • It only takes about 20 minutes
  • In the U.S., over 3 million people have cataract surgery, annually
  • Cataract surgery is one of the most common surgeries in the U.S.


About ABC Pharmacy of Beverly Hills

ABC Pharmacy of Beverly Hills is a compounding pharmacy that serves patients in Santa Monica and surrounding areas. ABC Pharmacy boasts highly trained pharmacists dedicated to creating compounded medications for your individual needs. For more information about ABC Pharmacy of Beverly Hills, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.