Drinking water is easily the best way to stay hydrated. Considering the fact that living beings are primarily composed of water, it is only natural for us to drink it on a daily basis.

That said, our Pharmacy in Beverly Hills knows that drinking water every day can become monotonous. So why not trying changing your water by incorporating healthy ingredients? Here are our 11 tips for spicing up your water!

1. Add Fruit

Want a really healthy and delicious way to spice up your water? Try getting an ice cube tray. Fill each cell in the tray with fruit. Try dicing up strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or grapes! Then cover the fruit with ice, as if you were making regular ice cubes. Now, just freeze then drop them into your water!

2. Get a Teabag

Why not change the taste of your water completely by getting some tea? Green tea specifically is one of the healthiest to drink; it curbs appetite and promotes a healthy body by providing antioxidants. Additionally, tea helps to burn more body fat.

3. Sparkling WaterPharmacy in Beverly Hills

Have you ever had a craving for a refreshing carbonated drink? Instead of reaching for a sugar-filled soda, you should try something healthier like sparkling water. Sparkling water’s carbonation can be just as satisfying as the sensation received from drinking a soda. If its bland, just add a squeeze of lemon or lime to it!

4. Eat More Soup

Soup is mainly composed of water. Try eating a hearty soup that contains a broth like chicken, vegetable, or beef. Not only will you be hydrating yourself, but you’ll also be gaining nutrients from the food it contains.

5. Try Herbs

Similar to the effects of tea, herbs can also change the way your water tastes. Why not add herbs like mint leaves, ginger, or lemongrass to your water?

About ABC Pharmacy of Beverly Hills

ABC Pharmacy of Beverly Hills is your one-stop for all of your pharmaceutical needs. Our team of pharmacists is knowledgable and willing to answer any questions or concerns customers may have. To learn more health facts or tips, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.