In honor of National Aphasia Month, our Santa Monica-based compounding pharmacy would like to share facts regarding aphasia. About 2 million people in the U.S. have aphasia. However, 85 % of people in the U.S. don’t know what aphasia is.

Santa Monica Compounding PharmacyAphasia is a communication and language disorder that is caused by damage to the language part of the brain. The left-hemisphere of the human brain is the side that gives us the ability to communicate.

Any traumatic brain injury such as a stroke can cause aphasia. Although the disorder does not affect intelligence, it does affect communication and causes difficulties in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

People with aphasia may experience difficulty with one or more of these communication factors:

Producing Language

  • Producing the right words to say
  • Substituting words they mean to say with related or unrelated words
  • Producing real words
    • Using made-up words fluently
  • Producing complete sentences

Understanding:Santa Monica Compounding Pharmacy

  • Fast or long sentences
  • Group conversations
  • Jokes or figurative speech
    • Taking the literal meaning of idioms like, “Break a leg!”

Reading and Writing

  • Spelling and forming sentences
  • Reading books, pamphlets, etc.
  • Counting money, adding/subtracting, and telling time

How would you communicate with someone living with aphasia?

Most people with aphasia have unpleasant communication experiences. Here are some ways from our Santa Monica-based compounding pharmacy to better communicate with them.

  • Get the person’s attention before speaking
  • Maintain eye contact and watch their body language
  • Eliminate background noise
  • Do not speak too loudly or too softly
  • Speak slowly and simplify your communication but don’t undermine them
  • Encourage them to use gestures
  • Use yes and no questions
  • Always praise them for speaking
  • Encourage normal activities and independence

By understanding Aphasia, we can make those living with it feel more comfortable in communicative situations.

About ABC Pharmacy of Beverly Hills

ABC Pharmacy of Beverly Hills is a compounding pharmacy that serves patients in Santa Monica and its surrounding areas. ABC Pharmacy boasts highly trained pharmacists dedicated to creating compounded medications for your individual needs. For more information about ABC Pharmacy of Beverly Hills, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.