Your Pharmacy in Beverly Hills believes that everyone should exercise caution and follow the steps provided to prevent Zika infection.

The Zika Virus is a disease that is mostly transmitted by mosquitoes and has been spreading throughout Africa, South East Asia, and South America. It is typically asymptomatic, but in some cases, infected individuals might experience fever, headache, joint pain, and conjunctivitis.

Zika can also be transmitted sexually and it can be passed from mother to child during pregnancy. Pregnant women infected with the Zika Virus are at greater risk of giving birth to children that suffer from Microcephaly.

Pharmacy in Beverly Hills

Preventing Zika

Pharmacy in Beverly Hills asks that everyone should protect themselves from mosquito bites to prevent the further spread of Zika and other mosquito-borne diseases. People in areas where the virus is spreading should do the following:

  1. Wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts
  2. Stay in places that are air-conditioned
  3. Sleep under a mosquito bed net
  4. Use window/door screening to keep mosquitoes out.

Insect repellents that contain DEET, Para-methane-diol and oil of lemon eucalyptus should be used to keep mosquitoes away. Clothing and travel gear should be treated with permethrin, clothes will remain protective after being washed. Travelers returning from areas with Zika should try to prevent mosquito bites for three weeks.

Pharmacy in Beverly HillsWhat to Do if Infected and How to Protect Others

Individuals infected with the Zika Virus should remain calm and visit a doctor if symptoms get worse. Zika can be found in the blood for a week, and during that time the risks of spreading the virus are highest.

The virus can also be spread through sex and infected individuals should use protection or avoid it altogether. It is not known how long the virus can survive in the human body, so people who traveled to areas with Zika should take extra precautions.

About Pharmacy of Beverly Hills

ABC Pharmacy of Beverly Hills is a compounding pharmacy in Beverly Hills providing fast and easy services to get you the medications you need. Our team of pharmacists are dedicated to the overall health of community members and are always available to answer your questions. To learn about more health facts, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.