Our compounding pharmacy serving patients in Santa Monica understands the frustration that may come with waiting for your prescription to be filled. There are surprisingly a lot of steps to follow before your prescription is ready.

Our compounding pharmacy near Santa Monica is here to help you understand what could be taking your pharmacy so long to fill your prescription.

Missing Prescription Informationcompounding pharmacy santa monica

When a prescription is given to a pharmacy, there is specific information that is required by the state or federal government that must be present. It is not uncommon to receive a prescription order that is missing important information. When this happens, the pharmacy must wait for the information before the medication can be dispensed. If the patient does not have the information, a request must be sent to the doctor’s office and can take some time.

Safety of the Medications

After all of the required information is gathered, it is necessary to make sure the medication is safe for you to take. This is considered to be the pharmacist’s main job. Given our knowledgeable staff, our compounding pharmacy near Santa Monica takes pride in dedicating time to analyze your prescription. Pharmacies will also check the dose, directions, and frequency to determine whether or not they are appropriate.

Communicating with the Insurance Company 

Once the medication is deemed safe, the prescription can then be processed through insurance. Often times, this can be the most time-consuming step, especially if the insurance does not approve the claim. If this happens, the pharmacy must directly contact the insurance company.

When all of these steps are completed, the pharmacy can then legally provide the patient with the medication. Although it can be a timely process, our compounding pharmacy serving patients in Santa Monica makes patients safety a priority.

About Pharmacy of Beverly Hills

Pharmacy of Beverly Hills is a compounding pharmacy located near Santa Monica that prioritizes all patients’ needs and concerns. To learn more, follow us on social media on Facebook or Instagram.