The holidays are fun and festive time but all the running around can leave you worn out. Follow these 7 tips brought to you by your local pharmacy in Beverly Hills to keep yourself rested and refreshed this holiday season.

1. Take a Hike

The winter season is the best time to take a refreshing hike along your favorite path. Being inside all day or inside those stuffy malls can make you more tired and in turn affect your mood. But taking a brisk walk outdoors under the sunshine will allow you to clear your head and lift your mood. Also, rhythm and repetition of walking can help with anxiety and sleep problems.

2. Give Yourself a Hand Massage

Everything in your body is connected, even in your hand. You know that soft spot between your thumb and pointer finger? Yea, squeeze there. This spot is called Hoku in Chinese medicine and massaging it for about 30 seconds can release stress and tension in the upper body.

3. Treat Yourself

We all get busy around the holidays trying to help out our friends and family. Not to mention all the cooking and cleaning that comes with the festivities. But it is important to remember to put time aside for yourself in the midst all this chaos. A well-rested person is more productive and efficient, and happier. So don’t forget to treat yourself this holiday season.

4. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

There are a lot of things to do during the holiday season and overly obsessing over the details will drive you crazy. Take a step back from everything and look at the big picture. The holidays are about enjoying your friends and family and most importantly don’t forget to laugh. Gather with your family and watch a funny movie or have a game night. It’s all about being thankful for the little things.

5. Start Your Own Traditions

Abandon old customs and start fresh. Repeating the same old things can get tedious. Be adventurous and try to start your own traditions, you might even like them better than the old ones.

6. Turn Off Your Phone

Put aside those smartphones this season and focus on what’s in front of you. A large number of texts and alerts can actually cause more stress and anxiety, which no one needs more of during the holidays.

7. Don’t Overschedule

Putting too many things on your to-do list can overwhelm you. Space out the important things you need to do and don’t say yes to everything everyone asks of you. Put time into your schedule to exercise and pamper yourself. Exercising will keep your mind and body strong and a good pamper during this cold season will keep you happy and de-stressed.

ABC Pharmacy of Beverly Hills

Our pharmacy in Beverly Hills is here to help you with all of your medical needs. Stop by our pharmacy or give us a call at (310) 777-0052. For more health tips, check out our Instagram or Facebook.