Getting a good night sleep is important to stay healthy. To better your health, your reliable compounding pharmacy by Santa Monica suggests you start sleeping more.

Today, people are becoming busier and are getting less sleep, causing a decrease in sleep quality. These are the 5 shocking reasons why you should get the proper amount of sleep every night:

1. You Can Get Fat With Poor SleepSanta Monica Compounding Pharmacy

One of the major causes of weight gain is poor sleep. According to research, people who get less sleep weigh more than those who get a proper amount of sleep. If you’re trying to lose weight, it is important to get a good sleep every night.

 2. Good Sleepers Eat Fewer Calories

Studies show that individuals who get less sleep eat more calories, due to a bigger appetite. Those who are sleep deprived have a poor appetite regulation. Lack of sleep increases levels of ghrelin- the hormone that stimulates appetite. As a result, individuals feel the need to eat more.

3. Concentration And Productivity Is Increased With Good Sleep

Santa Monica Compounding Pharmacy

Proper sleep is necessary for the brain to function properly. When an individual doesn’t get enough sleep, the brain is negatively affected. People have difficulties concentrating and are not as productive as those who get good sleep. To improve problem-solving skills and memory, try getting adequate sleep.

4. Good Sleep Maximizes Athletic Performance

Studies show that proper sleep improves reaction times, accuracy, and speed. This study also shows that those who are sleep deprived show poorer athletic performance. Poor sleep is linked to lower grip strength and difficulties with performing exercises.

5. Poor Sleepers Are Most Likely To Become Depressed

Individuals who suffer from mental health issues, such as depression, also struggle with sleep disorders. Studies show that 90% of those who are experiencing depression complain about sleep deprivation. Poor sleep has also been linked to suicide. Unlike poor sleepers, people who get good sleep are happier and more productive throughout the day.

About Pharmacy of Beverly Hills

Based at 9033 Wilshire Blvd #102, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 (310.777.0052), Pharmacy of Beverly is a compounding pharmacy located near Santa Monica and neighboring cities. For customized pharmaceutical solutions tailored to your health needs, visit us today. For more health updates, check out our Facebook or Instagram.